Family gathering at Pasir Rispardon me, too many photos so I choose some to blog up. lazy!

play some games...
So long since 8 of us went for a movie, although xiao hui this time never join us.
and although the movie is 11.50pm BUT we got many cars to bring us there! :D

went to the park to take a walk
while the rest of the cousins are taking a nap.

Had 3 meals for dinner,

celebrated JJ's belated birthday!
kinda funny because it has been so long since we have such a random thingy.
gathering cannot be completed without BBQ!!!!
in the rain -.-
today army, we had a excursion to the singapore's history!
war memorial and fort canning park.
Honestly, So interesting and I got back a book of locations where all the museum are in singapore! woo~ here I come.